Welcome Product Site Owners!

There are a few things required for your product to be listed on howtoproducts.com:

  1. It has to be a "how to" product, a product that teaches how to do something.
  2. It has to be a ClickBank product.
  3. It has to have made a sale.

Check, check, and check? Good!

If your site isn't listed currently you can request that we list it here.

If you want to change the image or description of your listed product, please let us know.

Reviews on Your Site!

Easily add your product reviews to your website!

First, set owner mode to On:

Next, find your site listing and click the red link beneath the green "Post Your Review!" button to obtain the embed code for your site.

Service Improvements

If you ever have an idea, suggestion, or comment for us, please let us know!